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Hermann was sentenced to prison.  He was sent to a castle called "Ludwigsburg" where he spent the next months.  He left his wife, Luise and his small son, Hermann and his baby daughter, Elizabeth behind.  He was put into a cell and had very little room to move.  Luise received his clothes every weekend to wash and send back.  They were full of blood.  Upon asking her husband what was going on, he instructed her never to ask him that question again.  He also smuggled a note addressed to Luise and his mother asking them to please believe he was innocent of this crime.  It was clear to Luise that her loving husband was undergoing torture on a regular basis.  Finally, because of a lack of evidence, they were forced to release Hermann from prison. They warned him to tell no one of the methods and tortures used on him or his wife and children would disappear.  When he got home, for the first little while, all he could do was walk around in circles.  That's what he had been accustomed to doing in his cell.

Hermann and Luise Notz were married in the 1930's.  It was a time of great political unrest in Germany.  Hermann was a nation wide known musician.  He had the gift of being able to pick up any instrument and could play it very soon.  From 1938 until 1941 he was the Conductor for the brass band in the little town of Dettingen, south of Stuttgart.  He had a heart for music, and a heart for working with the youth and was well-known and trusted among his peers and colleagues.  There came a time where he was instructed that the SS would be marching through Dettingen and he was told to lead the procession with his band.  He refused.  Because of his refusal, he would soon prove to be the first casualty in Dettingen of the deceptive government.  Hermann worked through the week at the bank in town.  A bomb was planted and went off and he was blamed.  Naturally, everyone who knew him well, knew that this loving, gentle man would never do such a thing.  He was set up because he refused to play for the SS.  

Upon his release, Hermann was still considered a threat because of his good standing and reputation with his friends and neighbors, his love of music and his love for the youth of the time and their respect for him.  The political leaders of that time were very jealous and maybe frightened.  It was their goal to win the youth for their cause.  His time with his wife and 2 young children was very shortly  lived.  Hermann soon received orders to go to the Russian front.  This was unheard of among the people, because he had served time in prison and was not guilty, but because he stood for a cause and refused to fall down and worship the SS, he was a target.  It was either that or his wife and children would die.

Hermann left for the Russian front in 1941.  It was clear to him that he would never see his wife and children again.  It was clear to Luise that her husband was departing forever.  Hermann did write heartwrenching letters to Luise on the way to the front and while there.  We have been told that there is one specific spot in his letters where the tone changed.  We believe that is when he accepted Jesus as his Savior and more than likely started praying for his loved ones back home.  HIs last letter to his wife was written on the day before he was shot at Leningrad.  He knew that he was going to die the next day!  We consider this man a hero.  He wasn't the only man who was sent to the Russian front to die...many Germans did so to protect their loved ones.  There he is buried.



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